
Sunday 2 June 2013

Economics: Tough/ Interesting

When I meet new people and they come to know about my course. Their first reaction is that I am doing a tough course. I know economics is a theoretical subject. But on the other side the working of the whole world is based on economics. "Invisible hand" of Adam Smith to "In the long run we all are dead" of Keynes, fascinates me. The ‘Great Depression’ of the United States is also an economic phenomenon. The housing crises resulted from bursting of “Credit bubble”. These all are working of supply and demand. The crisis and Marx theory related to it very intriguing. The business cycle relating to how there is a boom, followed by stagnation and then recession. This is the cycle abide by all the business firms in the world. This is what determines our lives by creating ‘Reserve Army’- creating employment and unemployment. Science subject is based on an initial set of rule but in economics new rules and new dimensions are created every now and then. Every subject has its own enthralling element that needs to be searched.

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