
Friday 31 May 2013


Dettol vs. Vim: Return of Ad Wars

Reckitt Benckiser and HUL have been battling fiercely on the germ-protection platform for their respective brands Dettol and Lifebuoy soaps for past three decades. Now the war is back again and this time it’s between liquid dish wash market leader Vim and new entrant Dettol.
Dettol Kitchen is positioned as a multi-purpose cleaner and germ killer.
In my take the consumers are going to benefit the most. Two leading brands are competing and it may result into falling prices or product enhancement. Dettol has its established antiseptic image. And, with this image it is stepping into the dishwashing industry will bring a drastic change.
The reason behind the extension is simple. According to ET, the dishwash category is worth Rs 2000 crore and the category is dominated by HUL with its Vim brand.The liquid soaps category is incrementally outpacing growth of bars as consumers evolve. With aggressive distribution, Dettol can capture share of a category that's evolving and also to capitalize on a growing trend of kitchen products increasingly turning up market.
But the sales of Dettol bathing soap can suffer. As the same brand selling bathing soap and dish washing soap is somewhere unacceptable. The battle is on but, our mummies would surely be happy to see a cleaner kitchen.

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